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Rimon 10 EC

Visit a crop protection control search for additional product information.

Product specifications:

Product attributes
Product type:
Registration number and product label:
28881 (Product Label)External link
Active ingredient(s)
Chemical group(s):
IRAC 15 Benzoylureas

Crop Registration

CropAerial applicationCaveatsProduct restriction info / rate and application information
Apple (Malus)
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Apples - Bearing
    Do not allow this product to drift onto grapes as leaf spotting may occur.
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Apples - Non bearing
    Do not allow this product to drift onto grapes as leaf spotting may occur.
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    Do not allow this product to drift onto grapes as leaf spotting may occur.
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Bean, edible podded
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Black cherry, chokecherry, flowering cherry, pin cherry, peach, plum
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Black cherry, chokecherry, flowering cherry, pin cherry, peach, plum
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Blueberries, Highbush
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Broccoli raab (rapini)
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Broccoli, Chinese (gai lon)
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Brussels sprouts
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Cabbage, Chinese (bok choy)
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Cabbage, Chinese Mustard (gai choy)
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Cabbage, napa
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Cavolo broccolo
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Greenhouse cucumbers
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Greenhouse Cut Flowers
    PHYTOTOXICITY: Do not use on poinsettias.
    PHYTOTOXICITY: Always test a small number of plants before using widespread. May cause chlorosis on sensitive plants.
    Residual Effects on Natural Enemies: Unknown persistence
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Greenhouse peppers
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Greenhouse Potted Plants
    PHYTOTOXICITY: Do not use on poinsettias.
    PHYTOTOXICITY: Always test a small number of plants before using widespread. May cause chlorosis on sensitive plants.
    Residual Effects on Natural Enemies: Unknown persistence
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Greenhouse tomatoes
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Mustard greens
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Mustard spinach
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    Do not allow this product to drift onto grapes as leaf spotting may occur.
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    Do not allow this product to drift onto grapes as leaf spotting may occur.
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    Do not allow this product to drift onto grapes as leaf spotting may occur.
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Rape greens
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Strawberry - Day neutral
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Strawberry - June bearing
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Strawberry - Non bearing
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Sweet cherries
    Do not allow this product to drift onto grapes as leaf spotting may occur.
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Tart cherries
    Do not allow this product to drift onto grapes as leaf spotting may occur.
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