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Kopa Insecticidal Soap

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Product specifications:

Product attributes
Product type:
Registration number and product label:
31433 (Product Label)External link
Active ingredient(s)
potassium salts of fatty acids
Chemical group(s):
Potentially organic:

Crop Registration

CropAerial applicationCaveatsProduct restriction info / rate and application information
Apples - Bearing
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Apples - Non bearing
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    This product is for fresh market herbs only. Dried herbs and seeds are not necessarily included. Many products have specific registrations that do not apply to all herbs or varieties. Consult label to ensure your specific use and herb is permitted.
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    This product is for fresh market herbs only. Dried herbs and seeds are not necessarily included. Many products have specific registrations that do not apply to all herbs or varieties. Consult label to ensure your specific use and herb is permitted.
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Bean, edible podded
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Beet, garden
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Blueberries, Highbush
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Brussels sprouts
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    This product is for fresh market herbs only. Dried herbs and seeds are not necessarily included. Many products have specific registrations that do not apply to all herbs or varieties. Consult label to ensure your specific use and herb is permitted.
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    This product is for fresh market herbs only. Dried herbs and seeds are not necessarily included. Many products have specific registrations that do not apply to all herbs or varieties. Consult label to ensure your specific use and herb is permitted.
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Cucurbit (CG9)
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    This product is for fresh market herbs only. Dried herbs and seeds are not necessarily included. Many products have specific registrations that do not apply to all herbs or varieties. Consult label to ensure your specific use and herb is permitted.
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Greenhouse cucumbers
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Greenhouse Cut Flowers
    PHYTOTOXICITY: Known phytotoxicity to many plant species. Plants with known sensitivity include poinsettias (do not apply after coloring of bracts), sweet peas, nasturtiums, delicate ferns, azaleas, bleeding heart, camelia, euphorbia, fuchsia, gardenia, geraniums, impatiens, lantana, ornamental ivy, palms, succulents. Use with care on blooms. Sensitivity varies with plant varieties. If concerned about sensitivity of plants, test on small area (including seedlings and transplants). Do not spray when plants are under stress. Avoid spraying during full sun. Spray early in morning or evening or when overcast.
    Residual Effects on Natural Enemies: Short persistence (<1 week)
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Greenhouse eggplant
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Greenhouse lettuce
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Greenhouse Ornamental Propagative Material
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Greenhouse peppers
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Greenhouse Potted Plants
    PHYTOTOXICITY: Known phytotoxicity to many plant species. Plants with known sensitivity include poinsettias (do not apply after coloring of bracts), sweet peas, nasturtiums, delicate ferns, azaleas, bleeding heart, camelia, euphorbia, fuchsia, gardenia, geraniums, impatiens, lantana, ornamental ivy, palms, succulents. Use with care on blooms. Sensitivity varies with plant varieties. If concerned about sensitivity of plants, test on small area (including seedlings and transplants). Do not spray when plants are under stress. Avoid spraying during full sun. Spray early in morning or evening or when overcast.
    Residual Effects on Natural Enemies: Short persistence (<1 week)
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Greenhouse tomatoes
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Hazelnut (filbert)
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Head lettuce
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    This product is for fresh market herbs only. Dried herbs and seeds are not necessarily included. Many products have specific registrations that do not apply to all herbs or varieties. Consult label to ensure your specific use and herb is permitted.
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Leaf lettuce
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Lima beans
    This product is for fresh market herbs only. Dried herbs and seeds are not necessarily included. Many products have specific registrations that do not apply to all herbs or varieties. Consult label to ensure your specific use and herb is permitted.
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Mustard greens
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Peas (succulent, shelled)
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Raspberry - Fall bearing
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Raspberry - Summer fruiting
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    This product is for fresh market herbs only. Dried herbs and seeds are not necessarily included. Many products have specific registrations that do not apply to all herbs or varieties. Consult label to ensure your specific use and herb is permitted.
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    This product is for fresh market herbs only. Dried herbs and seeds are not necessarily included. Many products have specific registrations that do not apply to all herbs or varieties. Consult label to ensure your specific use and herb is permitted.
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    This product is for fresh market herbs only. Dried herbs and seeds are not necessarily included. Many products have specific registrations that do not apply to all herbs or varieties. Consult label to ensure your specific use and herb is permitted.
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Strawberry - Day neutral
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Strawberry - June bearing
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Strawberry - Non bearing
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Sweet cherries
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Sweet corn
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    This product is for fresh market herbs only. Dried herbs and seeds are not necessarily included. Many products have specific registrations that do not apply to all herbs or varieties. Consult label to ensure your specific use and herb is permitted.
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Tart cherries
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    This product is for fresh market herbs only. Dried herbs and seeds are not necessarily included. Many products have specific registrations that do not apply to all herbs or varieties. Consult label to ensure your specific use and herb is permitted.
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Winter squash
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