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Product specifications:

Product attributes
Product type:
Registration number and product label:
33353 (Product Label)External link
Active ingredient(s)
acetamiprid + novaluron
Chemical group(s):
IRAC 4A Neonicotinoids/IRAC 15 Benzoylureas

Crop Registration

CropAerial applicationCaveatsProduct restriction info / rate and application information
Apples - Bearing
    Do not allow this product to drift onto grapes as leaf spotting may occur.
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Apples - Non bearing
    Do not allow this product to drift onto grapes as leaf spotting may occur.
View details
    Do not allow this product to drift onto grapes as leaf spotting may occur.
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View details
Blueberries, Highbush
    Do not allow this product to drift onto grapes as leaf spotting may occur.
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View details
Broccoli raab (rapini)
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Broccoli, Chinese (gai lon)
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Brussels sprouts
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Cabbage, Chinese (bok choy)
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Cabbage, Chinese Mustard (gai choy)
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Cabbage, napa
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Cavolo broccolo
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View details
    Do not allow this product to drift onto grapes as leaf spotting may occur.
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    Do not allow this product to drift onto grapes as leaf spotting may occur.
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    Do not allow this product to drift onto grapes as leaf spotting may occur.
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Mustard greens
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Mustard spinach
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    Do not allow this product to drift onto grapes as leaf spotting may occur.
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    Do not allow this product to drift onto grapes as leaf spotting may occur.
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View details
    Do not allow this product to drift onto grapes as leaf spotting may occur.
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Rape greens
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Saskatoon berries
    Do not allow this product to drift onto grapes as leaf spotting may occur.
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Strawberry - Day neutral
    Do not allow this product to drift onto grapes as leaf spotting may occur.
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Strawberry - June bearing
    Do not allow this product to drift onto grapes as leaf spotting may occur.
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Strawberry - Non bearing
    Do not allow this product to drift onto grapes as leaf spotting may occur.
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Sweet cherries
    Do not allow this product to drift onto grapes as leaf spotting may occur.
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Sweet corn
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Tart cherries
    Do not allow this product to drift onto grapes as leaf spotting may occur.
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Turnip greens
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